●UPDATES: Handwashing is one of the best ways to protect yourself and your family from getting sick. Learn when and how you should wash your hands to stay healthy.

About Us

India is a country with rich and diversified , languages, cultures, geographies, political opinions, religious sentiments and also possesses people with varied socioeconomic status. However, what brings about unity in such diversity is India Glory Book of Records. India Glory Book of Records is a platform where the courage to be and perform differently meets recognition and fame. The book is a collection of Indian records of records more than 5 years. It will be often referred to as the last word in the field of Indian records by world media, including BBC and renowned news papers. India Glory Book of Records also has to its credit of being the first to start the Book of Records in Hindi and English Both Languages with approved RNI number, thereby igniting a desire among the masses to bring out their best. This can be clearly understood by the India Glory Book of Records (IGBR) tagline.

Vision of IGBR

The vision of India Glory Book of Records is to provide a global platform of achievement to the prospective record holders for the various talents exhibited by Citizen of India . The potential that the country has needs to be encouraged, polished and presented with the best approach so that it is globally recognized. The collection of extraordinary stories of ordinary people is reminiscent of the fact that each one of us is born with a purpose. The stories are intended to strengthen the belief that we all have some uniqueness that differentiates us from the rest of the world. And some day, in some way, we will certainly contribute to make this world a better place to live in. We believe that every individual brings to this world an inherent skill and providing a platform to unveil that skill is what we, at India Glory Book of Records, aspire to achieve. Think extraordinarily, think differently, and try toe be the one to bring your talent to us, so that we can give you your due place of recognition, across the whole Nation.


Think of a stage which unites a five-year-old child to an 80-year-old veteran; the educated elites to the illiterates; the rich and the affluent to the poor and the wretched; people with varying political inclinations to different dynasties; people from different religions to different cultures; people with different ideologies to different philosophies; people of different languages to different dialects; people from the deserts to the mountains; and that is the INDIAN RECORD HOLDERS AT WORLD STAGE, where all crave to come, aspire to witness and eagerly await for the curtains to rise.


At India Glory book of Records, we are always looking forward to hearing from you. If you have any new ideas, questions, doubts, queries, comments or suggestions for us, you can contact send us via email to support@indiaglorybookofrecords.com

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